For the past year Rosie Lee have helped Nike & size? with their 10 year collaboration celebrations; a year which so far has seen the release of 9 limited edition shoes. To coincide with the release of the tenth shoe and put the finishing touches on a fantastic year we were asked to organising a party. The evening was held at Dover St’s Air Gallery and featured all ten limited edition shoes and a one off piece of Dave White Artwork, which was broken into pieces and given away. Drinks, DJ’s and Sneaker heads all culminated in a top night to celebrate Nike & size? and their ongoing obsession with all things sneaker.
RL Nike size? Dave White 10 Years of Obsession (Full) from Rosie Lee on Vimeo.
Design & Build: Rosie Lees :
Construction: Shape Construction :
Music: 2nd Drop Records : : Track: Sully ‘Give Me Up’
Available on: Juno Download / Beatport/ Trackitdown/Boomkat and iTunes.